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General News

The Coalition for Frontline Police Officers

February 5, 2021

Dear Members –

Yesterday afternoon HB 3653 was delivered to the Governor’s Office for signature. Because the bill was passed in the “lame duck” session on the final day of the 101st General Assembly the Governor cannot utilize amendatory veto powers. All indications are that Governor Pritzker will sign it.

Since the bill passed, we have communicated our serious opposition and concerns to the Governor’s Office regarding a number of issues included in the bill. We have also continued to engage with members of the General Assembly regarding the bill and its impact on our members. One of our coalition leaders, PBPA Director and Chief Counsel Sean Smoot was the only law enforcement voice invited to participate in a legislative Town Hall meeting earlier this week. He was able to respectfully convey several of our members’ concerns and our organizations􏰀 combined opposition while continuing a productive dialogue with legislators who support the bill.

Based on ongoing discussions there will be at least one, and likely more than one, trailer bill introduced in the coming days. Because we have continued to engage with key Senators and Representatives, this new legislation will address a number of problems we have identified in HB 3653 as passed.

There continues to be a great deal of misinformation and confusion about what is included in the bill and what it will do. To help clarify things, we have prepared the attached “􏰁Quick Guide” document to inform Law Enforcement Officers in the State of Illinois about the practical impact of this bill.

We appreciate all of your advocacy and trust as this bill worked through the legislative process. Your help will likely be required again as the new legislative session begins. Please know that our pledge to continue to work on the issues that matter to you and your families remains intact.

Be safe & stay healthy -

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