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General News

Entries for March 2013

The Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit #6 is a proud sponsor of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. This fund will make it possible for the construction of the National Law Enforcement Museum. The museum was authorized by Public Law 106-492 which stated the Museum should be built on federal land across from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. Groundbreaking is projected in 2008, with the museum tentatively open in 2011.

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Can you Put a Price on Service? As of February 25, 2010, total fatalities are up 94%; gunfire fatalities are up 400% and traffic incidents are up 42% compared to 2009 statistics. Illinois ranks in the top 20 for states with high fatalities.

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Taking a youngster fishing can be one of the most rewarding experiences an adult can have with a child. The Rockford Police Benevolent & Protective Association Unit #6 hopes the 5th Annual Cops-n-Bobbers Kids Fishing Derby help not only to whet your appetite for fishing, but help bring the experience into focus. We believe the mentor is crucial to the development our community youths.

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